Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Protest against the Nazi Invasion Monument

I created a short video to protest against the shameful statue the Hungarian government erected to falsify the history...

On January 17, 2014. the Hungarian government (PM Viktor Orbán) decided to erect a monument commemorating the German invasion of Hungary. The statue depict a Germanic eagle descending on the innocent angel Gabriel, a "Hungarian symbol", and bear inscriptions reading “German occupation of Hungary"

The controversial Nazi occupation monument was completed and erected without inauguration in the middle of the night just a week ago, after an appeals court rejected a petition to halt its construction.

Think about it!!!

Fascist Hungary was an ally of Germany for most of World War II. The Hungarian Arrow Cross members, cooperated with the German Nazis and butchered thousands of Jews. They lined the Jews up along the Danube and shoot them into the river.

437,402 Hungarian Jewish men, women and children were transported to the Nazi death camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau. It took 148 trains to carry them. More than 90% of the Jews were gassed immediately upon arrival.

Miklós Horthy governed the Kingdom of Hungary Between May 14 and July 8, 1944. and by July 9, 1944, only 230,000 Jews survived in Budapest.

The Hungarian government falsifies the history!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Békés demonstráció Izraelért - Pro-Israel rally in Budapest

Békés demonstrációt tartottak vasárnap a Dohány utcai zsinagógában valamint az előtte lévő téren Izrael mellett. A jelenlévők tiltakozásukat is kifejezték a Hamas Izrael ellen elkövetett folyamatos terrorcselekményeivel szemben.

Pro-Israeli supporters gathered in front of and inside Europe's largest synagogue in Budapest during a demonstration to protest against Hamas' rockets that have been fired into Israeli territory.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Pro-Israel demonstration in Budapest / Békés demonstráció Izraelért

Pro-Israeli supporters gathered in front of and inside Europe's largest synagogue in Budapest during a demonstration to protest against Hamas' rockets that have been fired into Israeli territory.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Controversial Nazi monument has completed

Last night workers in Budapest have completed the main elements of the controversial WWII memorial to the 1944 occupation of Hungary by Nazi Germany. The monument of an eagle attacking an angel whitewashes the prominent role that pro-Nazi Hungarian governments had in the murder of more than half a million Jews during the Holocaust by presenting Hungary as a mere victim.

Titokban felállították a történelemhamísító emlékművet

Rövid interjú Suchman Tamással az éjszaka titokban felállított gyalázatos történelemhamísító emlékműnél. Véleménye szerint a Jobbik ötlete volt a szoborállítás, a kivitelezés pedig a Fidesz erősödő fasizálódását támasztja alá.

Titokban felállították a történelemhamisító emlékművet

Rövid interjú Popper Gáborral az éjszaka titokban felállított gyalázatos történelemhamísító emlékműnél.