One of the world's most-wanted Nazi war criminals, Dr. Sandor Kepiro, 97 trial started in Budapest, Hungary. The former Hungarian police captain charged with taking part in January 1942 raids in the Serbia, Novi Sad. The Simon Wiesenthal Center's chief Nazi-hunter, Israel Director Dr. Efraim Zuroff, discovered and exposed the former gendarmerie officer, who played an important role in the January 23, 1942 mass murder of at least some 1,250 civilians in the Serbian city of Novi Sad. Zuroff discovered Kepiro living in the Hungarian capital after almost half a century in exile in Argentina and has spearheaded the efforts to hold him accountable for his role in helping to organize a massacre of Jewish, Serb and Roma residents of the city of Novi Sad in January 1942. All the officers implicated in the massacre were put on trial in Budapest in late 1943 and convicted in early 1944, but following the Nazi invasion of Hungary, their sentences were cancelled and they were given promotions and returned to active service, without any of them being punished.
Source: Simon Wiesenthal Center
Photos I took at the court are available for publication upon request.
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