Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Anti - Semitic vandalism hit Budapest

Last month Budapest hosted The World Jewish Congress (WJC) which represented Jewish communities around the world after a series of anti - Semite incidents.

On my photos: Anti - Semitic, racist texts, graffiti hits several part of Budapest. Some of the photos were taken just a few days ago, but even the oldest one (back to 2012) still remaining on the same spot, just a bit shabby.

The antisemitism became again a common attitude not only in the Hungarian Parliament and foothball stadiums, but on the streets and parks as well. The government, includes local district governments, just don't give a Damn even they're know the Holocaust (also known as the Shoah)was a systematic murder of over 6.000.000 million Jew's and over 600.000 was Hungarian mainly throught deportation to Nazi German run death camps like Auschwitz- Birkenau, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka or shot into the Danube by there own fellow citizens (fasist Arrow Cross Hungarian Gendarmes; "Nyilasok").

Maybe you heard about when Jozsef Scheweitzer, the former Chief Rabbi was insulted in the street or Ferenc Orosz The Head of Raul Wallenberg Association who was recently treatened and beaten up infront of his family at a football stadium in Budapest. ...

Did you know that streets and squares were named after Mikos Horthy (Hungary's pro-Nazi leader from 1920-1944) was a staunch ally of Hitler and passed several anti - Semitic laws? .... or the latest news that the city council erected a statue to Cecile Tormay antisemitic writer infront of a Hospital in the heart of downtown in Budapest. So therefore the local govenments won't care about ani - Semitic texts, graffities on walls, signs, etc....

Text on sign at playgrand: No Smoking "for Dirty Jews"

Text on bench: "We don't give a shit on Holocaust"

Text on wall: " Theft jew Gyurcsany shit Israel"
Explanation: Ferenc Gyurcsany was the 6th PM of Hungary from 2004 to 2009