Saturday, July 7, 2018

Through the rain / revealed

Through the rain my short avantgard film has been filmed last month from inside my hotel room in Phnom Penh. It was just a great occasion shooting the monsoon rain via the window. In the past decade Phnom Penh's scenery has changed a lot. Skyscrapers are growing like mushrooms. The city is a bit smog-filled, but the air still much better than in Saigon or Bangkok. The traffic has increased, not to mention the construction noise.

"Through the rain" like almost at all my other films I used no camera movement and extreme long take to highlight the time and timelessness. My films are not only what about you see. You need to be in a certain mood, let's say relaxed, to recognize the beauty of the hidden beast what I call Zen. I just can repeat myself again and again, please don't watch my films as usually you used to watch movies. Watch with your heart and soul and see what untrained eyes and ears can not catch. Learn the film and develop your senses. Learn watching films from the director and the cinematographer point of view. The movies will be more interesting and will open up an extraordinary endless journey.

I know my films are not for everyone. Maybe too philosophical or just too simple or boring to catch the attention of  wider audience. Curators, critics, festivals, museums are not really interested. Maybe they're not even watching because of the specific genre or just simple not get it what the hell is that for?

So here is a non scientific extreme short  explanation via "Through the rain".

For example: if you're recognized the two birds when they flew across in front of  the window, you are on the right path. It looks you have great sense for seeing details without someone call up your attention. ... but did you realized the traffic or when the tuktuk and the cars appeared and disappeared  at the left corner of the screen? .... or the window is divided for three different sections and that you are able to watch three different movies in the same time? You also can follow what's going on off screen, if you're carefully listening the "city-noise". ... and at the end there are rolling rain drops on the window glass (before they landed on the window they traveled approx. two to seven minutes) and new born clouds.

So everything is there, just have to wait and watch. If you have enough time and patience the magic will happen. .... and what about all of this boredom?

It's only about TIME and TIMELESSNESS, LIFE and BEYOND. It's about NOTHING....

It's about ZEN.

I am just framing my friend.

Please click here to watch "Through the rain" one of my experimental contemporary contemplative  slow cinema 

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